Meet the Squirmish™ Cards | Card #19: Pompadoo

Pompadoo, the cat with the pompadour hairdo, is a failed internet celebrity. Impressed by the popularity of Princess Monster Truck and Hipster Cat, Pompadoo figured his greasy pompadour hairdo would instantly land him fortune and fame. So far, it has only landed him a greasy hairdo, but he’ll keep trying.

Pompadoo is a good fighter… he always lands some damage, regardless of the roll. On 6, he does his cuddle claw, so smooth and gentle, his opponent’s don’t even know they just took 3 damage… and the attacked card can’t attack him on their next turn. Why would they? He didn’t do anything to them, right? And where is all this blood coming from?

Like an excited kitty pouncing on a mouse or spot of laser light, Pompadoo loves a moving target. Using his catnip crazy special ability, he does +2 damage to any card that moved on its last turn.

In spite of being a good fighter, Pompadoo is also a reluctant fighter. He hates to do anything that might mess up his hair. “Why must we fight, dollink?” is his battle cry. He rarely calls anyone by their actual name… indeed, he is so self-centered, he rarely bothers to remember names. He prefers to call everyone “dollink,” “baby,” “sveetcakes,” “punkin,” or “honey bunny boo.”

Pompadoo is another member of the Kitty Kat Club, and as such can not attack other members of said club.

Squirmish is now on Kickstarter here. This is a series of posts designed to help you learn a bit about some of the cards before you play the game.

Meet the Squirmish™ Cards | Card #16: Pooga


Pooga is… Pooga… Pooga is AUH! AW! AH-CHOO!

Oh, my allergies. Pooga is just covered in allergens. When attacked, her “dandy dander” does 2 damage to the attacking card if they are allergic to her (which they are on a 5 or 6). This, combined with her 12 hitpoints, make her a pretty challenging card to knock out.

Her attacks aren’t all that great… she only does damage half of the time. But if you roll a 6 on her basic attack, her toxoplasmosis does 3 damage to ALL adjacent cards (regardless of who controls them… yes, you can do damage to your own cards. You really might want to clean her box.).

As a member of the Kitty Kat Club, she can not attack or be attacked by another member of the Kitty Kat Club.

AH-CHOO! Augh. Do you have any tissues?

Squirmish is now on Kickstarter here. This is a series of posts designed to help you learn a bit about some of the cards before you play the game.

Meet the Squirmish™ Cards | Card #10: Cupcake


Card #10 is Cupcake, another member of the Kitty Kat Club… those clever cats who never attack one another.

Cupcake, one of the cutest Squirmish cards, is named after her favorite thing in the world.

Cupcake’s battle cry is “I’ll do anything for a cupcake!” This is true- she is a fickle friend indeed, as her loyalties are easily bribed with the pastry.

Strangely, she has no particular love for other kinds of cake… while she certainly enjoys a good birthday cake, it just does not ignite her passions in the same way. Something about the small and simple cupcake, with its frosting, sprinkles and paper wrapper, interests her in a way that no other sweet can. Perhaps it is because she does not have to share it?

In any case, her cupcake habit has made her grow quite large… she rarely goes a day without eating at least 50 cupcakes… indeed, she eats little else. She prefers them with pink frosting. Much like the flamingo’s pink hue is caused by its diet largely consisting of shrimp, Cupcake’s pink pallor comes from her constant consumption of red dye #2.

Her enormous size makes her quite a challenging opponent. 12 hitpoints is certainly nothing to sneeze at… and her attacks are pretty brutal. She never fails to cause damage with her basic attack… and on a six, she does her “Cherry on Top” attack, which, in addition to doing 3 damage, enables the player controlling her to draw a card which they can choose to immediately place.

Furthermore, every time Cupcake is attacked she can use her “Sprinkly Winkly” ability…  and her controlling player draws a card.

Controlling Cupcake is a great way to draw a lot of cards. This is particularly useful early in the game, before you have placed a lot of cards. Just remember, you can only have five cards in your hand and five cards in play at a time… any extras need to be discarded or placed (if you are in the placing phase of your turn) immediately.

Squirmish is now on Kickstarter here. This is a series of posts designed to help you learn a bit about some of the cards before you play the game.

Meet the Squirmish™ Cards | Card #7: Paddypaws


Squirmish is now on Kickstarter here. This is a series of posts designed to help you learn a bit about some of the cards before you play the game.

An enormous catnip enthusiast, Paddypaws has catnip with every meal. She delights in the different effects and flavors of the wondrous cat-herb, and is quite the connoisseur of the stuff. A sniff from her sensitive nose over a bit of nip can tell her the strain of the plant, the vintage… sometimes even the yard it was grown in!

While this hobby has its pleasures and advantages for her, it also makes her extremely skitterish… it does not take much to send Paddypaws running for cover.

Paddypaws is full of fluff and fatty stuff. She would make an excellent pillow if she would stay still and stop worrying so much. This fluff and fat, along with her nougaty center, provides her with a reasonable amount of hitpoints (11 of them).

Paddypaws is not an easy card to knock out.

In addition to being the seventh Squirmish card, Paddypaws is the second member of the Kitty Kat Club in the deck. Since no member of the KKC can attack another member of the KKC, she can’t attack Kittyclops, and Kittyclops can’t attack her.

It is not just other KKC members who have trouble hitting the skitterish Paddypaws… she has most sensitive whiskers. Her whisker radar ability alerts her to coming attacks 50% of the time, and instead of getting a wollop, she dives under a nearby sofa or bush and avoids the conflict.

She’s really a lover, not a fighter, though. A 1-5 on her basic roll does little or no damage. However, if you roll a 6 with her, her big fluffy paws go into full Muhammad Ali-mode, and she does 2 damage and another attack on a different card in play.