The other day I was feeling overwhelmed and helpless reading about coronavirus.
In one article I ran across (I can’t find it now, unfortunately) a mother mentioned that there were no good resources she knew of for teaching kids not to touch their faces to avoid getting sick. Well, that seemed like a problem I could take a crack at helping with.
Over the last week, I put together a free print-and-play game on the subject, appropriately named “DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE!” It makes the surprisingly difficult task of not touching your face into a fun, competitive challenge. I hope it gives some families out there some help and some laughs in these difficult times of itchy noses that must stay itchy.
“Squirmish je elegantní karetní řežba, při které všichni bojují se všemi a při tom mohou využívat řadu bláznivých schopností. Právě humor a lehkost je tím nejvýraznějším, čím dokáže novinka bodovat a to opravdu úspěšně.”
Google translate claims this means:
“Squirmish is an elegant card game where everyone struggles with everyone and can use a variety of crazy skills. It is the humor and lightness that is the most striking, so the new one can score and it is really successful.”
Then there is:
“Po řadě partií můžeme svědomitě prohlásit, že je pro nás tahle hra ohromným překvapením. Ze všech stran z ní totiž čiší hratelnost, kterou vlastně nelze vysvětlit jednotlivými částmi. Povedlo se je totiž poskládat tak dobře, že si prostě budete partie jednoduše užívat. A nevadí vůbec, jestli je hra náhodná nebo chaotická. To se děje především zásluhou řady schopností.”
Which google translate claims means:
“After a number of games, we can make a conscious statement that this game is a great surprise for us. From all sides, it’s a gameplay that can not be explained by individual parts. It has been so easy to put together that you simply enjoy the game. And it does not matter if the game is accidental or chaotic. This is mainly due to a number of capabilities.”
Ohromným překvapením!
And don’t miss:
“Squirmish je nádherně bláznivou karetní hrou, kterou se vám chce hrát pořád dokola. To proto, že je od začátku do konce plná akce a hráči jsou do bitvy neustále zapojení. K tomu ještě přidejte vynikající grafické provedení a dostanete lahůdku, která se stane oblíbencem všech. Squirmish by se rozhodně měla stát adeptem pro lokalizaci, protože nám svojí bláznivostí připomíná extrémně úspěšného Munchkina. Tak snad její přijetí u hráčů bude podobně výtečné.”
Which google translate interprets as:
“Squirmish is a gorgeously crazy card game you want to play around all the time. This is because there is full action from start to finish and players are constantly involved in the battle. Add a great graphic design and get a treat that will become the favorite of all. Squirmish should definitely become an adept for localization because of our crazy reminders of an extremely successful Munchkin. So her admission to the players will be similarly excellent.”
Squirmish was recently mentioned on the excellent Nice Games Club podcast by my pal Mark LaCroix… go give it a listen!
“We’ve played a lot of card battle games over the years. While the theme generally varies from one to the next, the mechanics of these games are very similar… Seldom do I open a card battle game box and go, “Hmmm. That’s a cool component.” But that’s what happened when I opened Squirmish from Gamewright.” – Sahm Reviews
If you post an image of your family or friends playing a game of #Squirmish on Twitter or Facebook and tag me or otherwise let me know about it, I’ll reveal an image of a new Squirmish character in your timeline!
“A cute introduction to card battling games. In this version, game play is appropriately simplified – no complex drafting of your deck before the game, just random hands to play. We love the googly eye hit counters and the fun sense of humour, especially the quirky commentary that so aptly suits the off-the-wall characters and their odd-ball abilities.” – The Noise on Toys
“This is a fun, crazy, card battle game that exceeded my expectations. There are so many abilities on the various beasts on the board, especially in a 3-4 player game, it can get really crazy. I usually am not a big fan of games making you say things aloud, but I actually like the added flair of the battle cry bonus, only because I feel it fits the tone of this game 100%. You know, it is kinda funny and hard to explain, because there are aspects of the game that are normally potential detractions for me: cards are text-heavy, gameplay is luck-heavy, and saying a phrase or word aloud as an actual mechanic. However, for what it sets out to be, the formula comes together in an appealing way to equal FUN.”
Tom Vasel at The Dice Tower recently reviewed Squirmish:
“It’s also pretty easy to learn. This works for kids, it gives them some choices to make, it lets them roll dice. It works for adults… this is a silly game! But sometimes, silly is what we need. Dice Tower judgement… SILLY! But approved!” – Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower