Squirmish, the card game of brawling beasties, will be making it’s debut this week at the New York Toy Fair as the newest addition to Gamewright‘s excellent library of games!
Here is the new trailer for the game:
I had contacted Gamewright last year in hopes that they may want to license Squirmish. Gamewright was my first pick for a publisher for Squirmish, as my daughters and I love many of their games (I recommend Sushi Go! Party, Forbidden Island and Rat-A-Tat Cat, to name a few), all of their games are aimed at the same demographic (casual games that are equally fun for kids and adults), and they have great distribution (the Target up the street from us generally has over half a dozen of their games in stock).
To my delight, they were enthusiastic about the prospect of publishing Squirmish… so very soon, Squirmish will be reaching a much wider audience.

In collaboration with Gamewright, a number of improvements have been made to the game (like the often-requested square cards… and new googly-eye damage counters!). You can check out the updated Squirmish 2.0 rules here.
Watch for it soon at a store near you!

The Squirmish trailer is wonderfully entertaining, and has me enthusiastically wanting to meet all of the game’s characters.
Thanks, Ned!
Are you going to make new characters or an expansion deck in the future?
That is indeed the plan! I am currently neck-deep in working on an expansion set. Hopefully sales of the first set will be good enough to justify its publication. Hope you enjoy the game, William! Thanks for asking.
We love the game and hope the expansion set is not too long of a wait.
Thanks much, William! I sure hope so, too!
A quick question. Old Man Eggplant doesn’t have anything noted for rolling a 5. Does nothing happen for him if one rolls a 5 or is there damage being done?
There was an error we missed on the Old Man Eggplant card in the first printing of Gamewright’s 2.0 version of Squirmish. Old Man Eggplant is getting on in years, and he plum forgot what he does when someone rolls a 5. You can see the corrected version below that will be used in future printings. For the current version, simply print the below image and staple it on the card, or just remember Old Man Eggplant succeeds with his “Eggplanter” attack on both a 5 and a 6.