Hiya, Pal!
Happy Summer! Watch out for that sun… hope you have plenty of SPF. No, I’m not talking about sunscreen, I’m talking about SQUIRMISH PLAY FUN. No sunscreen is needed to avoid sunburn… simply spend your entire summer holed up in a cool, dark basement playing your favorite videogame Squirmish! |
Speaking of Summer… it is currently the annual Steam Summer Sale! Squirmish is 50% off on Steam right now to celebrate sunshine, more sunshine, melting popsicles, dogs hiding in terror from fireworks, and the smell of hot asphalt as it burns your bare feet. Again; cool, dark basement with videogames on the teevee is beckoning you. |
“Gonzo, crass, and hilarious, Squirmish is one of the weirdest, most amusing digital board games out there—but its gameplay also carries its weight. The voice acting made us cackle.” – Recommended by Steam Curator Noteworthy Video Games |
“Recommended. Proudly crude in every sense of the word, this adaptation of the zany tabletop title offers a breadth and depth in both its gameplay and set of features. But it’s the hilarious voice acting that’s #1.” – Recommended by Steam Curator The Absolute Finest |
“The first thing that stands out about the game is how much it looks and feels just like the card game in terms of presentation and artwork. All the cards the game has are in this digital copy with bright neon green background, crazy colors, characters zany and the whole thing feels like it was vomited up by a unicorn who had a fantastic day at the carnival eating all the candy and taking all the rides. And let me make myself clear, this is not a bad thing.” – Dad Geek at Geeks Vs. Geeks |
“I’ve been a longtime fan of the tabletop card game and have been curious how the game would translate to digital. The answer is… squeamishly great. Squirmish is a game that’s a little hideous and extremely bizarre in all the best ways, and seeing the world’s characters animated is a warped delight. As far as the gameplay side, the game provides a surprisingly intense little battling game with a lot of strategy and just a little luck to keep things interesting. The game’s cast of 70 monsters is packed with a diverse selection of abilities and attack powers, many of them changing the tide of battle in unique and interesting ways. Additionally, you’ll find various clusters of fighters that are part of different “groups” that become stronger when multiple are on the board, whether controlled by you, your opponent, or both. Card game enthusiasts (especially anyone who enjoys the Pokemon TCG) will have a lot to chew on as they find their favorite strategies and monsters.” – Recommended on Steam by PewterPiranha |
“I’m not familiar with the tabletop game it’s based on (imagine having IRL friends ;p), but this game’s got a nice balance of having a solid tutorial and loads of depth (especially in terms of card interactions/synergies). fantastic hand-drawn art, monster designs, and the sense of humor is genuinely amusing and endearing. plus the voice acting is delightful. seems like a robust package, will have to wrangle some friends together to go for some online shenanigans.” – Recommended on Steam by MarshMelody |
In addition to these awesome reviews, we have also had some players stream their games… here are a couple to check out: |
If you or your buddies review or stream Squirmish, I’d love to hear about it so I can include it in the newsletter. Please send me your links! |
Orange Generic Guy, best known as Human One, the default player avatar in Squirmish has a mission. He’s decided to see if he can battle all the way through the Squirmish Rogue’s Gallery! You can watch his epic quest unfold on YouTube here. You may even learn some good Squirmish strategy along the way… through both good and bad examples! |