SQUIRMISH™ is the Card Game of Brawling Beasties… and is now also the Videogame of Brawling Beasties! Available on Steam now!
You’ll need plenty of luck, strategy, and silly scrappers to knock out three of your opponents’ goofy goons. The rules are simple… attack, resolve abilities, place a card or move, and draw a card… but the unique cards provide infinite variety (and hilarity) to the gameplay.
V 1.0 Self-published in 2016… V.2.0 published in 2018 by Gamewright… V.3.0 self-published in 2024!
The Squirmish 3.0 edition includes 70 cards, 1 die, 40 hit counters, the rulebook and 2 sequence of play cards.
Hi, pal! I’m cartoonist, animator and poppa Steven Stwalley. My comics have been featured in numerous anthologies and gallery shows, as well as in the Hot Ink: Comic Art show at the Minnesota Museum of American Art. I am also a featured cartoonist in the book Superheroes, Strip Artists, and Talking Animals: Minnesota’s Contemporary Cartoonists by Britt Aamodt, published by the Minnesota Historical Society. I often post webcomics (such as Soapy the Chicken and my collaborative comics with Ben Zmith (such as Monkey’s Paw and Strip Mall), I have created numerous comic books, and I’ve regularly collaborated with other artists to create comics anthologies and jam comics. I’m a founding member of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy. My daughters’ enthusiasm for card games inspired me to create Squirmish.